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O mne

Zdravá pleť je súčasťou celkového zdravia každého človeka. Preto máme pre vás pripravené kozmetické služby, ktoré uspokoja náročné požiadavky každej dámy, ale aj pána, ktorým nie je ľahostajná zdravá pokožka tváre, a v neposlednom rade aj sebavedomie, ktoré pestovaná pleť dodáva.

Kozmetika a vizáž

Get you pretty face done with our great makeup professionals, at our center in your town.

Manikúra a pedikúra

Our salon provides best hair services in the country including extensions, cuts and coloring.

Skrášľovacie nástroje

Experience a mind and body transformation with a variety of treatments and services.

A little about us

What We Do

Visiting our center means entrusting your body to one of the best spa salons in the country. We do our job with a thought of our dear customers, therefore our beauty team works hard to provide you best services ever possible.

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Axiom company does its work with its customer in mind. That is why you
are getting the best product that will perfectly suit your needs.

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